Welcome to the Body Type Quiz What is your gender? Male Female What is your Age Bracket? 20's 30's 40's 50's 60's What is your primary goal? Weight Loss Muscle Gain Minimal Weight Loss with Muscle Gain Where do you gain weight? Evenly throughout your body Primarily in your mid section Mainly in your hips and thighs Mainly in your torso and face How would you describe your body? Overweight most of my life. Hard to lose weight and keep off. Skinny most of my life. Lose weight easily. Medium or Athletic Build with moderate Weight Loss or Fat Gain potential Which of the following patterns best describes you? I have a difficult time gaining muscle, I’m skinny and weak I lose fat with moderate effort, my strength is average. I gain fat quickly, I’m NATURALLY stronger than average with little or no exercise. My shoulders are: Wider than my hips Equal with my hips Narrower than my hips If I wrap my thumb and middle finger around my wrist: The thumb and middle finger do not touch The thumb and middle finger slightly touch/overlap The thumb and middle finger overlap How would you describe your body's bone structure? I have a narrow frame. I have a medium/average frame. I have a relatively large frame. Email Please provide your email to get more information on your body type.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Schedule your complimentary consultation! Schedule a Call! What's Next? Name* First Last Email* How can we help?SelectPersonal TrainingOnline Training21 Day Plank ChallengeF.I.T. Kit ChallengeAll of the Above!