Online Training
Unlock Your Ultimate Self Potential
Kool Body provides online personal training for those busy professionals who’s schedule constantly changes and don’t have the mental energy to figure out what to do. The Kool Body Personal Training Online App delivers a step by step costumed designed meal plan and workout program that can be done at home or they gym, anytime. The personal trainer keeps the accountability high by following the progress through the app and scheduling coaching calls. The ONLINE coaching system applies the science of Body Typing, Exercise & Nutrition to EMPOWER you to a healthier mind and body.

Goal Planning Session with Trainer
10 minutes for you and the trainer to talk about your goals and everything you would like to get from this program. And the goal planning session is FREE! An opportunity to get to know the trainer and if this is the right program for you.

Access to App and Your Custom Program
Download the Kool Body App and the trainer will give you access once the fitness plan is created. The trainer and you will walk through the plan, make modifications and off you go!

Scheduled Accountability Calls
We have your back all they way through this program! Once you get access to the program, we set up accountability calls to boost your motivation and drive all they way through. You are not only getting a workout, you are getting COACHED!

Access to FB Private PB Community
Get access into the exclusive and private FB page. Only those that are currently or have participated in the past have access. A unique group of winners that are all here to support, to be supported. The FB page also becomes a place to teach new things and create new competitions.

Result Tracking
You are here for RESULTS. Staying focused on what you came here for is important for the trainers coaching, as well as, your motivation. The app has a tracker where we get to check in every so often to see how we are doing.
Choose the Plan that ‘Fits’ You!
Kool Body® Executive
Custom Designed App Training Plus
- 8 week CUSTOM designed workout program loaded into the workout app.
- CUSTOM designed nutrition plan with dietician.
- Workout on your own time anywhere with log in access to workout app.
- Weekly coaching phone calls.
- Access into exclusive private Facebook Community page
- Weekly Facebook Community page LIVE Group Chats + Q&A + New Challenges.
- Unlimited In-App messaging with trainer.
- Access to 1 month in IMPACT
Kool Body® Standard
Custom Designed App Training
- 8 week CUSTOM designed workout program loaded into workout app.
- BASIC nutrition program.
- Workout on your own time anywhere with log in access to workout app.
- Access into exclusive private Facebook Community page.
- Weekly Facebook Community page LIVE Group chats + Q&A + New Challenges.
- Unlimited In-App messaging with trainer.
- Access to 1 month in IMPACT.
Kool Body® Nutrition
Custom Designed Nutrition
- Access to 8 week custom designed nutrition plan with dietician.
- Body Typing Analysis.
- 3 phase meal plan.
- Body composition tracking.
- Access into exclusive Facebook community.
- Messaging with dietician.
- Access to 1 month in IMPACT.
- Note: The Kool Body Nutrition package is included in the Executive & Standard options.
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