The Power of Knowing Your “WHY”

Reason – Know what you want, WHY you want it, and you raise the level of getting what you want This is what I know….for you to decide to begin a program for weight loss or nutrition, you need to be quite clear on WHY that is important to you.  That clarity will help...
Easy Tips for Engaging in a Healthier Lifestyle

Easy Tips for Engaging in a Healthier Lifestyle

If you could take a snapshot of your life, would it reflect a healthy, happy situation?  Or is there room for improvement, but you already have so much on your plate it seems too complicated?  Sometimes there are avenues for change that might surprise you!  Here are a...

Give into Your Cravings; and This is Why…

Mid day or late night, the cravings can come on strong, and the thought of ignoring them seems impossible; but the feeling of guilt that comes after you toss down the chocolate cake or potato chips, doesn’t really make you feel any better, either. Maybe, just maybe,...

5 Tips to Keep the Holiday Stress in Check

There is plenty of evidence that the holiday’s cause us stress, which has a ripple effect to our health, wealth, relationships and more.  Check out these stats: Oregon Womens Report Survey, 2009 So, how do you alleviate or give pause to these worries, especially...

4 Steps to Mentally Prepare You for the Holiday

If you have not at one time or another been stressed over the holidays…well, bless you and share your secret with me!  There is always much to do at this time of year like parties, shopping, traveling, ‘surviving’ family, and eating too much.  Yet, I want to remind...