The Power of Knowing Your “WHY”

Reason – Know what you want, WHY you want it, and you raise the level of getting what you want This is what I know….for you to decide to begin a program for weight loss or nutrition, you need to be quite clear on WHY that is important to you.  That clarity will help...

Give into Your Cravings; and This is Why…

Mid day or late night, the cravings can come on strong, and the thought of ignoring them seems impossible; but the feeling of guilt that comes after you toss down the chocolate cake or potato chips, doesn’t really make you feel any better, either. Maybe, just maybe,...

5 Tips to Keep the Holiday Stress in Check

There is plenty of evidence that the holiday’s cause us stress, which has a ripple effect to our health, wealth, relationships and more.  Check out these stats: Oregon Womens Report Survey, 2009 So, how do you alleviate or give pause to these worries, especially...